Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is the 21st of December which means that I am a whole year older today! I don't feel any different yet, it feels like any other day. My birthday is simply a stepping stone to Christmas which is only a few days away : ) No exciting plans, just having dinner with my family because most of my friends live hours away, if not a few states away.

I'm always curious to see what famous people share my birthday so I checked it out on IMDb. It turns out, I share my birthday with a rather strange group of people.

Jane Fonda
Phil Donahue
Frank Zappa
Samuel L. Jackson
Andy Dick
Kiefer Sutherland
Joseph Stalin (this one always makes me cringe...)

Luckily there were only a few famous people I recognized that died on my birthday.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
George S. Patton

And then I became curious about what important historical events happened on December 21 as well...

1620 - The Mayflower arrived at Plymouth Rock
1913 - The first crossword puzzle was published
1968 - Apollo 8 was launched, the first manned mission to the moon

The rest of the events were either boring or really depressing so I left those ones out : )

So there you have it, December 21st in a nutshell! Now can you guess how old I am?


Sarah Mann said...

Happy Birthday! I'm terrible at guessing ages, but 12.21 is the official first day of winter :)

Leona Raisin said...

You mentioned the December 21 birthday boy in your post. Unscramble the [anagram] and solve the puzzle: [Elfish Undertaker]. Play today's TV game.

Nicole Newcomb said...

Well mentally you are much older probably in your 70's 0r 80's haha but in reality I'd say you are 20?

Philip Marlowe said...

Happy Birthday, kiddo! nd while I'm at it, Merry Christmas, too!

Genevieve said...

Thanks everyone!

Ginger Ingenue said...

Happy (late) birthday, Genevieve! And a (late) Merry Christmas...

I hope you have a Happy New Years too!! :)

Raquel Stecher said...

Sorry I'm so late! Happy Birthday!

Genevieve said...

Thanks for the wishes, Ginger and Raquelle : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this lovely birthday image!

It is Marilyn, right?

I sent it to a film buff friend and made her v happy!

Happy birthday for last December - great blog.
